Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Warrior Cardio by Martin Rooney

I was doing some perusing at the world's oldest, and my favorite place to purchase books, Moravian Bookstore in Bethlehem and came across the book Warrior Cardio. It was written by Martin Rooney who is an internationally recognized expert in fitness and martial arts and the book provides great detail on what every fitness program should include. Below are a few points that I found interesting

Rooney speaks of one of the biggest problems with today's fitness population. "People and trainers prescribe exercises according to what I call the Illogical Four: Novelty, Coolness, Ability to Produce Soreness, and Ability to Produce Fatigue". If you base your exercise selection on any of the aforementioned "Illogical Four" you are missing the point. Train and choose your exercises to improve performance in all aspects of your life, not on any of the "Illogical Four". Remember, just because something is hard or gets you sore doesn't mean it is an effective approach to optimal training results.

There is a good, and somewhat basic, discussion of the three energy systems that the body uses during exercise. To put it in simplest terms, there is an energy system for quick, explosive moves (think 100 meter sprint); an energy system for events that last up to 2 minutes (think 400-800 meter run); and an energy system for events that last longer than 2 minutes (think long, slow distance running). Rooney is an advocate for training the first two energy systems and the best way to do that is with sprint interval training. He cites a study that states that sprint interval training "produces as good aerobic training effects as traditional long-distance running, if not better, but with a fraction of the time commitment". So basically it offers a little more bang for your buck. If sprint work is not in your current training plan, you're missing out on a tremendous way to tax your body and maximize your time!

This is something that a large number of women have a hard time understanding when it comes to weight training. Rooney is not the first, or last, to touch on the benefits of heavy resistance training. Lets say Women A presses a 10 pound kettlebell for 15-20 reps and wants to get "tone". Women B decides to press a 25 pound kettlebell for 6 reps. Her entire body is using all her resources to press that weight overhead. Because of this, Women B elicits a greater energy expenditure than Women A which means the more energy is needed to recovery. So Women B will be continuing to burn more calories post-workout because she physically taxes her body more than Women A.

Thoughts on recovery: "Your workouts can be perfect, but if you don't give your body enough raw materials to rebuild and adapt through proper nutrition and allow it the chance to go through sleep cycles, you won't make the best gains possible". The adaptations occur as you recover. Give your body, and mind, time to recover from each and every workout. You are not being tough by going through or around pain. You are being dumb.

The final piece of the book that struck a cord with me dealt with consistency. "Consistency is the best-kept secret behind why some people succeed and others fail. When you're consistent over time, small gains will eventually equal large ones". A little bit on top of a little bit eventually becomes a lot over time. Make an effort to get better at one thing every time you train!

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to gain insight on how the body works and he offers a full workout and diet plan in the book. Just don't be that person who skips to the workouts and diet and doesn't put in the time to read about the "why" behind it all!

Chris Fluck

Saturday, June 22, 2013

One Extra Degree

"At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees it boils and with boiling water comes steam...and with steam, you can power a train!". The difference is only one extra degree!

Working in the fitness industry, my job is littered with questions in regards to fitness and lifestyle modifications. My usual answer is to add just a little bit more to their current routine. If you are training 3 days per week, make an effort to add a 4th. And when you reach 4 days, 5 is not too far away. If you're disciplined enough to train 5 days per week then I feel that you have it in you to train a 6th day. The same can be said for diet. If you eat well 50% of the time, make it a priority to eat well 60% of the time and so on. Reasonable diets and tough workouts are the basic template to live a healthy lifestyle. It sounds simple but there is nothing easy about it.

7 Ways to Make it Happen
  1. Goal setting. The difference between exercising and training is having a point. Point A is our current state, Point B is where we want to get to. The mission is to keep the mission the mission. The goal is to keep the goal, the goal.
  2. Get help. I always think of the joke about the lawyer who represents himself in court: he has a fool for a client! It is tough to do it alone and there are tons of different ways to get help. Hire a trainer, find someone who specializes in nutrition, join a fitness group, get your friends on board, etc. Tell them all your goals and they will (hopefully) hold you accountable.
  3. 212 Degrees. Remember that quote when times are tough. Make that your battle cry (it was for the Junior Varsity football team I coach this past season). The difference between success and failure is a fine line. Often times we are close to that line and don't even know it. Men and women throw up their hands and surrender when a little more effort and patience would take them to the next level. Hopeless failure would then become glorious success!
  4. As Margaret Thatcher once said, "you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it". Every decision is not life or death. If it were, I'd be dead a thousand times over. There will be days, weeks or months when we struggle to stay on track. Experience tells me that no one stays on path. Everyone gets lost at one time or another. Just don't let that define you. We can't always avoid short-term failure but we can always strive for success!
  5. Elimination and addition. For those with time constraints lets take a look at the big picture. If you eliminate 30 minutes of television or web surfing each day you get back more than 180 hours each year! If you add something new each week, you create over 50 additional opportunities for excitement and challenge each week. And if you really want to make a statement, add something new twice per week and that is over 100 new opportunities that you wouldn't have had before!
  6. Act like you've been there before. Every time you succeed in life does not call for several extra rounds of beer, a salutary cupcake accompanied by high-fives and back slapping. It is what you set out to do, don't be surprised when you do it. Be proud, celebrate, but remember, stay focused on your mission!
  7. Effort! There are no secrets to success. Success with anything, success in anything has one fundamental aspect- effort!
Enjoy your first weekend of the summer!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Why am I not getting faster?

I was motivated to write this piece after a conversation with a few guys at the gym this week. The topic was how to go about improving your run time for a variety of distance races. After some thought, and fact checking with the NSCA textbook, I have identified five areas that play a huge role in your run performance:
  1. VO2max- this is the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. Your VO2max correlates well with the degree of physical conditioning that you have been doing. If you want to improve this, improve your conditioning. Unfortunately your VO2max has a peak and once you reach that number, you are maxed out and need to focus on other areas to improve.
  2. Muscle fiber type. This is determined by your genetics and greatly influences your oxidative or aerobic capacity. Type I muscle fibers are aerobic in nature and have a large oxidative capacity. When you think of type I fibers, you should think of marathon runners. This muscle type is fatigue resistant but they also lack the ability to contract powerfully. Type IIx fibers are anaerobic in nature. They fatigue easily but are muscles that contract forcibly. Think of football players and shot putters when you discuss this muscle type. Type IIa fibers have characteristics of Type I and Type II fibers. When you think of how this muscle type works, think of a sport like soccer that is both aerobic and anaerobic in nature.
  3. Lactate threshold. This is that feeling you get when you aren't too sure how much life you have left in those legs of yours. It is that point where you feel that your body might fail you as you storm up that hill or sprint to the finish. This usually occurs when you are working out anywhere between 60-80% of your VO2max.
  4. Stride length and stride frequency. Stride length is related to body height and leg length. For those of you with a frame similar to mine (I stand 5'8" on a good day), you are out of luck. Our birthright put us at a disadvantage. Stride frequency is how often your feet turnover. Stride frequency is more trainable than stride length. Focus on brief ground contact time and get those feet turning over! Running speed is the interaction of stride frequency and stride length.
  5. Specificity of training. This is putting it all together as you make a plan towards achieving your goals. This is how often you decide to use resistance training and how frequent you plan on running.
To clarify the purpose of this piece, it is to improve performance and not for any other reasons. When you decide your training plan, make sure to include resistance training as it will help you recover from injury sooner, improve strength and prevent muscular imbalances. 2 or 3 days of resistance training is plenty if you perform total-body exercise routines. The next step is to address your aerobic capacity. You can do this by performance long, slow distance runs. These runs are at an easy pace and is often referred to as "conversation exercise". You should be able to carry on a conversation during these runs and should be the longest run of your training schedule. Once you establish a firm base of aerobic endurance training, you then begin to add in tempo runs and interval training. It is vital to have a solid aerobic base before increasing intensity. Tempo runs are at a pace slightly faster than race pace but over a shorter distance. So if you are running a 5K, your tempo run will be 1.5-2.5 miles at a pace faster than race pace. If it gets easy, increase the distance you run, not the intensity of your run. Interval training is much more intense and should be added to the program after tempo runs. These are high intensity runs with specific rest periods. Examples of this are performing hill runs or 400-meter sprints. Always take adequate rest time to ensure a full recovery. This type of training will greatly improve your lactic acid tolerance which will greatly help you accomplish your performance-based goals. Vary your training and watch your times improve!

Chris Fluck

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fitness Coaching

     In today's age, it seems that you can find a coach for just about anything. There are life coaches, business coaches, coaches to teach you how to use Facebook and the list continues. With that being said, the definition in recent years has become hazy. A coach is someone who teaches, but there job title is not that of a teacher. They are not your boss but at times could be downright bossy. And to be honest, they don't necessarily have to be great at the sport or activity that they coach you in (I can only imagine legendary gymnastic coach Bela Karolyi attempting a split if his life depended on it). The bottom line is this "Great coaches often tell you things you need to hear, not what you want to hear". And most of the time you are probably going to need to do more.

     In theory we can all reach our goals on our own. But when it comes down to it, who doesn't need more tips? Who doesn't want to see better results? Who doesn't want to have a blueprint for success? Who doesn't love learning how to manage energy more efficiently? These were all questions posed to me as I read an article written by fitness pro Todd Durkin. And when you put it that way, it makes it very difficult to answer "I, don't" to any of them. Who in there right mind wouldn't want help? Even great athletes need a coach to help them be the greatest they can be (turn on the French Open and you will see all these tennis players with their coaches by their side). A good coach will help you focus on what matters most. And to all those things that do not matter much: get rid of them! Being a jack-of-all-trades just means that you aren't a master of one. A good coach will help set you up with a routine, and in the world of fitness the answer to these four questions often prove to be the starting point for change: Are you exercising? Are you eating good? What are you reading? Who are you spending your time with? All of these factors influence the decisions you make and could be the determining factors that may be holding you back. So here are my 7 coaching tips for making positive changes:
  1. Focus is going to be the key to any success you will have. Eliminate distractions and focus on 5 or 6 important things and get good at it.
  2. Do not mistake activity for productivity. Economy of time should be the goal for all things that need to get done on a day-to-day basis. Do not cut corners, but get things done in a timely fashion. Those extra minutes will add up
  3. Work out more often. 2-3 workouts a week will not be enough to get it done. At the minimum, add in an additional 1-2 low-intensity workouts on days that you typically would not work out and aim to burn 300-500 calories. As those calories add up over time, you will be trimming down!
  4. Clean up your diet. Decrease portions but eat more regularly. Hydrate your body throughout the day. Eat breakfast. Double your protein and vegetable intake. If you are serious about fat loss, ditch the booze! If you still aren't seeing results, keep a food journal and try to find trends that could be preventing you from succeeding!
  5. Put an emphasis on strength training. On the days you go to the gym for strength training, make sure you are trying to get stronger. Each day aim to do something that you have never done before. Strength training will increase lean muscle tissue which will have a positive effect on your overall body composition (muscle increases, fat decreases).
  6. Set goals and place them everywhere. Write down 3-5 things you want to get done and look at them on a regular basis. Attack each goal with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind!
  7. Win the day. Picked this quote up from Drew Brees' memoir and it applies to everything you do in life. Focus on what is in front of you, not what is far off in the distance. If you are worried about the mountain in the distance, you might trip over the molehill right in front of you! 

Details create success. We all get to a certain point in life, whether it is in our job or at the gym, where learning and progress may come to a halt. This is where the small things and attention to detail become the catalyst for positive change. Hope these tips help!
